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Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Project Code: 2022-1-SE02-KA220-YOU-000086337

Successful LTTA in Sofia, Bulgaria

From June 17th to 21st 2024, the successful LTTA took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, for our Erasmus+ Project, “Speak It Up: Youth Public Speaking Skills Development Towards a Democratic Society in Contemporary Europe.” A big thanks to Pnevma, for organizing and hosting the event.

This gathering was an opportunity for youth workers from Sweden, Cyprus, Poland, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, and Lithuania to come together and evaluate the project’s results we’ve developed so far, to empower young speakers across Europe.

During the LTTA, the participants gave their valuable insights on the following project results:

1) WP2 – “Speak It Up! Educational Framework/Research-based Curriculum & Trainers’ e-Handbook,”
2) WP3 – “Speak it Up! App”
3) WP4 – “SpeakUp! Board Game”

A big thanks to all the participants, who gave valuable insights on Speak it Up project’s results for improvement.

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