Youth Public Speaking Skills Development Towards a Democratic Society in Contemporary Europe
Project Code: 2022-1-SE02-KA220-YOU-000086337
Welcome to the Speak It Up! Project
The main aim of the Speak It Up project is to provide a modern informal educational package, that will be consisted of an app and a board game, for youth trainers and youth employers to develop young people’s (age 18-30 yr.) public speaking ability in politics.
- Create an innovative non-formal educational package for youth trainers and youth workers to assist young people in developing and/or improving their life skills related to public speaking.
- Create an interactive app and a fun learning game to supplement target group training to catch the youths’ interest in their learning process.
- Support the processes that trainers/educators and youth workers will use to motivate young people to participate in democratic structures and institutions through practical activities.
More About The Project
According to Sloam (2014), there is a strong correlation between the engagement of those aged 15 to 24 and overall membership in the EU. However, a child’s educational level is more closely related to socioeconomic status, which is a key determinant of young people’s civic and political engagement.
As per Sloam’s findings in 2014, there is a strengthened, freed link between education and political engagement. Sant (2015) found that while even young people are skeptical of traditional electoral politics, they are able to distinguish between these old forms of political engagement and more contemporary alternative forms. Political participation should be viewed as a progressive process, according to Emler (2011). Politics receiving attention must be seen as a turning point.
Furthermore, during the focus group discussions, the young participants’ conceptions of political involvement included ideas of being involved in politics, being informed about politics, and having a variety of political perspectives (Xenos, Vromen, & Loader, 2014). Grasso and Smith (2022) discovered that there are gender variations in young men and young women’s political activity across countries. They discovered, however, that young women are more engaged in society and more likely to petition, boycott, and volunteer (Grasso & Smith, 2022).
Based on the preceding conversation, the project will outline a contemporary informal educational program. For youth trainers and youth employers, it will include a board game and an app to help young people (aged 18 to 30) improve their public speaking skills in the political arena.
The educational package will give students communication, interpersonal, presenting, and other public speaking abilities. An app or board game will, however, serve as an agent tool to support the intellectual experience.
Objectives Of The Project
The objectives of the project are the following:
- Promoting an inventive informal educational package for youth trainers and youth employees to help young people to develop and advance their life skills regarding to public speaking.
- Devising an interactive app and learning game for fun to advocate the target group training towards grasping the young people’s interest in learning.
- Motivate the process that educators and youth employees will benefit to encourage youngsters to attend in the democratic life and institutions through their participation in real-life activities.
Target Audiences
Target audiences for the Speak It Up project included the following:
- Youth workers and youth trainers: They will have the chance to take part in different project phases. The participants will acquire important skills and knowledge, and they will interact with peers from the project's partner nations to discuss issues related to youth engagement and active citizenship.
- Young people/Youth: Young people will be invited to take part in project activities like training and multiplier events in order to obtain the best overall project outcome.
- Other stakeholders, including educational and VET institutions, youth organizations, HEIs, decision- and policy-makers, etc.
- Staff members and connected partners will be directly involved in the project's development, which will improve their public speaking, training, and gamification knowledge and abilities in relation to the youth sector